Zoom Phone
- Zoom Phone: Change Pin Tutorial for Mac and Windows
- Zoom Phone: Checking your Voicemail Messages via Phone Call
- Android App: Getting Started with Zoom
If you are having issues with your Zoom Phone, you may contact ITS directly via ITS' ServiceNow. You will be asked to log into your USC Net ID.
Alternatively, you may open a case with Viterbi IT at engrhelp@usc.edu and we will interface with ITS on your behalf.
Ordering a Soft Zoom Phone Number
If your department has a new staff and would like to order a Zoom Soft Phone Number, please provide the following information or complete the form below.
- Name (First and Last)
- USC Net ID
- USC Email
- USC 10 Digit ID Number
- Building and room number of office on campus (if applicable)
- PPGG Account Number (even though ITS will not charge for a new Zoom Soft Phone Number request, they require an account number to start the process)
- Department
- Manager's Name
- Manager's USC NetID