Viterbi IT Degausser
A degausser securely wipes all data from magnetic storage media. Starting in June 2007, only degaussing or physical destruction is an acceptable data sanitization method under the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) 5220.22-M Clearing Standard. You should want to degauss magnetic storage media before transferring them over USC Environmental Health & Safety for proper disposal.
You have the option to drop off the magnetic media, such as computer tapes and hard drives, that you want to e-waste to Viterbi IT. Viterbi IT will degauss the magnetic media to wipe out data and transfer the wiped hard drive to USC Environmental Health and Safety for proper disposal. If requested, Viterbi IT will send you an email to acknowledge the number of hard drives received and to confirm that the hard drives have been degaussed.
You may also make a special appointment to use the Degausser. Please give 1 business day advance notice. Viterbi IT may be unable to accommodate requests in less than 1 business day. Appointments could be made by submitting a request at, or emailing
Magnetic media may be dropped off with the Viterbi Service Desk in DRB 205, Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm (except on University holidays).
Any type of magnetic media such as hard drives, magnetic tapes or even floppy disks.
6.75” x 4.5” x 1.8”
Please arrange with USC Environmental Health and Safety for proper disposal.