Digital Signage
The Viterbi School Digital Signage System is a resource for all Viterbi related events and announcements. The system automatically pulls information from the common Viterbi Web Calendar, the Viterbi Website, and can accept bulletins in various formats. The system comprises of approximately 30 LCD screens located within 11 buildings.

The Viterbi Digital Signage System consists of screens in:
- Denney Research Building (DRB)
- Electrical Engineering Building (EEB)
- Hedco Chemical Engineering (HED)
- Kaprielian Hall (KAP)
- Olin Hall of Engineering (OHE)
- Powell Hall of Engineering (PHE)
- Rapp Engineering Building (RRB)
- Ronald Tutor Hall (RTH)
- Salvatori Computer Science Center (SAL)
- SC Tower (SCT)
- Seaver Science Center (SSC)
- Vivian Hall (VHE)