The University recognizes the vital role played in and for the USC community
by individuals who are not students, faculty, or staff. The iVIP program was
established by USC Information Technology Services to provide an efficient and
secure process for departments within the University to sponsor such
individuals for a variety of electronically provided or managed services.
Who is a VIP?
VIP is anyone who is not a regular student, faculty, or staff but to whom the
University would extend its services to. VIPs may receive services in order to
fulfill the role they play in the University community or as a recognition of
their relationship with the University.
- Volunteer faculty
- Visiting faculty who is/will not be on USC payroll
- Affiliated organization employees
- Medical Resident (includes Interns)
- Research Fellow
- Exchange Visitor for whom USC employment is not expected
- Visiting Scholar
- ROTC Officer
- Temporary Agency staff
- UPC Health Center patients
- Vendor
Who may become a VIP?
VIPs are sponsored by the organizational unit with which they are affiliated.
Each organization unit determines whom to sponsor and the services to be
requested. "Sponsors" are identified to make those decisions on behalf of the
organization unit. Each sponsoring unit also has "Administrators" who access
the iVIP system to create VIP accounts, generate 10-digit USC ID#, and request
services. International Scholars and Visitors require processing through the
Office for International Services and their sponsoring departments. For
assistance or more information, contact
Services Supported
The following services may be requested for VIP's:
- USCID only assignment
- USC Blackboard access for instructional roles
- USC Electronic mail service using an @usc.edu mail account*
- myUSC Portal
- USC ID card issuance
- USC Library Electronic Resources
- USC Web
- Lynda.com
- Listing in the online USC white pages
- Access to the online USC whites pages for student listings
- ITS Software Distribution
USCID Only Assignment
VIPS will obtain a 10-digit USCID for various purposes, such as a US travel
visa application, USC housing application, etc.
USC Blackboard -
Blackboard Instructor sponsors the VIP for access to the Blackboard course
management system in the role of instructor. University policy prohibits VIPs
being either students or teaching assistants in courses carrying a degree
credit. [To enable Blackboard access, an email must be sent to Blackboard
Support (blackboard@usc.edu) with the VIP's name and USC ID number, and the
course (three-digit) and class (five-digit) numbers for the section the VIP
will be teaching.]
USC Email -
The University recognizes the vital role played in and for the USC community
by individuals who are not students, faculty, or staff. The iVIP program was
established by USC Information Technology Services to provide an efficient and
secure process for departments within the University to sponsor such
individuals for a variety of electronically provided or managed services. A
USC email gives the VIP a usc.edu email account. The account name will include
the VIP's initials, an underscore, and three digits (e.g., tm_008@usc.edu).
USC HPCC - VIPS are granted access to HPCC, a High
Performance computing resource.
my.usc.edu Portal - myUSC portal gives the VIP access to the
University's portal to access a variety of resources.
USCID card -
USCard Services supports the issuance of a USCard to the VIP. When requesting
a USCard, your Viterbi iVIP administrators will send an email to
vipcard@usc.edu on your behalf. (Info included in the email: the VIP's name,
USCID number, the type of affiliation, start date, end date, and the contact
info of the departmental sponsor.)
USC Library Electronic Resources -
Provides access to USC library's online information resources from off-campus
or from USC Wireless. In general, access is restricted by license agreements
to USC faculty, staff, and students, so it may not be provided to all
requesters. Include justification for qualifying for this service in the
Notes. VIPs who do not qualify will be notified. Contact
hscaccts@usc.edu or
ils@usc.edu for further information.
Using USC VPN, VIPS can access USC computer resources securely. It provides a
user with a virtual USC IP address that allows access to USC resources that
restrict access to such addresses.
USCweb - Provides access to web sites managed by non-ITS
Lynda.com -
Over 900 online video-based courses on a broad range of topics, including
Google Apps, Microsoft Office, Adobe products, web design and development,
audio/video production, computing programming languages, mobile technology,
social networking, among others. These courses are broken into 5-15 minute
tutorials that are taught by subject-matter experts. These courses can be
accessed anytime as self-paced learning.
ITS Software Distribution - University licensed computer
software distributed by ITS.
White Pages Listing -
White Pages Listing includes the VIP in the online Faculty, Staff, and
Affiliate Directory. VIP listings include name, title, sponsoring department
and email address.
White Pages Retrieval -
White Pages Retrieval allows the VIP to look up students in the online Student
Directory. To enable White Pages Retrieval, the Generic Account service must
also be selected.
What do you need to register a VIP?
Please gather and supply the following data to your designated department iVIP
sponsor for processing.
- First Name
- Last Name
- Date of Birth
- Email address (non-USC)
- Home Phone
- Work Phone
- Permanent Address
- Local Address
- Reason(s) for iVIP registration (please state whom the VIP will work
and on what project) - Start Date
- End Date
List of Viterbi department iVIP sponsors:
- AME: Dennis Plocher
- ASTE: Dell Cuason
- BME: Karen Johnson
- CEE: Anabel Diaz
- CHEMS: Diana Vuong
- CS: Angela Inostroza-Hoffman
- ECE: Gerrielyn Ramos, Ted Low, Kim Reid
- ISE: Shelly Lewis
- ISI: Sharon Uyeda
- CACS: Patricia Wong
- K-12 STEM: Darin Gray, Monica Lopez
- VASE: Karen Escobar, Susanna Sahakian
If you have further questions about the USC iVIP program, please consult
Viterbi iVIP administrators:</strong >
- Michael Goay (Lead Administrator) -
mgoay@usc.edu - John Ng - johnng@usc.edu
- Jason Dziegielewski - dziegiel@usc.edu